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Phlebotomy Technician

Call or email for enrollment/class information

659 US dollars
El Paso, TX

Service Description

Class Schedule: MWF 6:00pm-10:00pm PBT-101 Patient Care Students will learn how to identify the right patient and how to handle different types of patients (Geriatrics, adolescent & pediatrics) PBT-102 Patient ID and Site Prep The student will learn how to properly verify the identity of the patient with the collection request using two distinct identifiers and selecting the proper site for lab draw. PBT-103 Order and Equipment Selection Students will learn the History and the current devices used for drawing blood. PBT-104 Specimen Collection In the section students will learn diverse types of blood samples, collection tubes and special procedures. PBT-105 Specimen Processing and Handling To assure that accurate laboratory results are obtained, it is essential that specimens be collected, processed and stored correctly. Student will learn ho to properly collect, handle and store their specimens for testing as well as learning about the equipment used to process these samples. PBT-106 Safety and Infection Control Students will learn how to contribute to maintaining a germ-free medical environment by learning proper hand washing techniques, aseptic skills, and learn the sequence of the chain of infection.

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • 1611 Beech St suite e, El Paso, TX 79925, USA

    + 915-500-5757

This school has a Certificate of Approval from the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC)
the TWC-assigned school number is: S5294 The school’s programs are approved by TWC, as well as
the American Heart Association. Students must address their concerns about this school or any of its educational programs by following the grievance process outlined in the school’s catalog. Students dissatisfied with this school’s response to their complaint or who are not able to file a complaint with the
school, can file a formal complaint with TWC, as well as with other relevant agencies or accreditors, if applicable. Information on filing a complaint with TWC can be found on TWC’s website at

1611 Beech St E, El Paso, TX 79925, USA

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